Sound Intensity
Sound Power determination and Source Localization
Sound Intensity software module is a flexible experimental technique that allows to obtain a large number of information on the sound pattern emitted from a source such as sound power or noise source localization.
Sound Intensity – Easy to use, application-oriented for your efficiency
Discover in this video how to optimize your acquisition using the OROS solution and a remote control probe.
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Main Features
- Narrow band, octave, and 1/3 octave representation
- Guided acquisition procedure
- Sound power measurement: guided procedure following ISO9614 – 1&2
- Easy and flexible generation of complex and multiple surfaces
- Classical exploded 2D & advanced 3D graphics sound mapping
- Intensity, Pressure and Spectra selectable by segments
- Multi-frequency views
- Transducer Database
Sound Power Determination
The Sound Intensity software provides Sound Power determination following the point-by-point testing (ISO9614-1) or the scanning procedure (ISO9614-2). It is ideal for tests in the field.
- Real time sound intensity spectrum
- Provide guidance for complying with ISO 9614 – 1&2
- Field criteria and indicators calculation
- Automatic sound power report
- Calibration module for phase calibration and pressure-residual intensity index.
- Probe remote control management
Sound Mapping and Source Localization
- 2D & 3D sound intensity mapping
- Levels & Spectra selectable by segment
- Narrow band, octave, and 1/3 octave
- Guided acquisition procedure
- Multiple measurement surfaces creation
- Multifrequency views
- Probe remote control management
- Picture overlay
Application-oriented for your Efficiency
Based on OROS portable analyzers, the Sound Intensity software module is perfectly adapted for field measurements as often organized during machinery fault diagnosis and troubleshooting.
Furthermore, the 3D or exploded 2D sound maps make of the Sound Intensity an efficient tool for locating sources as it is also of common practice in R&D laboratories when trying to reduce sound emission from noise sources.
All our software solutions are customizable to be integrated in your environment. Please contact our the OROS Customer Care Department and visit the customization services webpage.