Bump Tests
With its dedicated structural mode, the FFT plug-in offers a comprehensive tool panel for FRF (Frequency Response Function) acquisition. Whatever the method used, impact testing with hammer or shaker excitation, FRFs are confidently acquired.
Main Features
Check the validity of the acquisition thanks to different displays and their preview:
- Frequency Response Function
- Coherence
- Trigger blocks
- Averaged results
- Excel based acquisition route and settings (Sequencer)
- Accept/reject after averaging FRFs & Coherence
- True Zoom on X-function up to 128 times
- 25 601 lines real-time results
- Time domain averaged X-functions
- Multi-mode generators: Sine, Swept, Step, Random, Multi-sine, Chirp, Wav
- Smooth change generators: Phase & amplitude ramps, emergency shut-down
- High resolution generators: 10 µHz from 100 µHz to 40 kHz
- Up to 1000+ channels real-time acquisition (analysis + recording)
Impact testing
- Adjust the settings using an appropriate weighted window if necessary: uniform, force/response, hanning…
- Accept /reject the impact hammer measurement after validity checking
- Hammer impact auto-range
- Define the measurement sets in advance and use the node path sequencer to track all measurement points
- The synchronous time domain averaging of impact signals allows acquiring the natural modes (FRFs, Coherence) of machinery without interrupting its operation (or any forced vibrations). This unique feature simplifies the natural resonance evaluation on diagnostic operations.
Shaker excitation with generators
For exciting a large structure, up to 6 shakers can receive signals from the generator outputs of the analyzer. In order to fi t the wide range of potential cases, a large series of excitation signal such as swept sine, chirp, random, etc. can be simultaneously generated. Any channel can be set as the reference which generates a multiple reference FRF and cross spectrum matrix.
Large channel count
Large structures require a high number of input channels. Multiple OROS analyzers can be cascaded and distributed to increase the total channel count and measure up to 1000 channels. Thanks to the OROS Teamwork technology, instruments, conditioners and software licenses are exchangeable and flexible, as well as data which benefit from a native sharing technology.
All our software solutions are customizable to be integrated in your environment. Please contact our the OROS Customer Care Department and visit the customization services webpage.