1/n Octave Analysis
1, 1/3rd, 1/12th, 1/24th octave analysis, compliant with IEC 61260 and IEC 60804. Multichannel acoustic analyzer.
Powerful and flexible acoustic analyzer
- 1, 1/3rd, 1/12th, 1/24th octave
- Complies with IEC 61260 and IEC 60804
- Fast, slow, impulse time filtering
- Mask, Min/Max live overlay
- Dedicated real-time DSP processing
- Up to 40 kHz
- A,C weighting filters and other common ISO standards
- Fast, slow, impulse time filtering
- Averaging: Leq, Short Leq, User Leq, Constant BT
- 1/n Octave Waterfall with profile extraction by band
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