ASME Turbo Expo 2021 is a fully virtual event to be held June 7-11, 2021.
This year will include over 700 presenting authors, exhibiting professionals representing gas turbine companies ready to share their products and services, a student poster competition showcasing rising turbomachinery engineers, a social event for students, interactive panels and tutorials, and a women in engineering event bringing together the women in the turbomachinery industry.
During this event OROS will make live presentations:
- Monday 7 // 9:00am EST // Characterizing the dynamic behavior of the machines using modal analysis
- Tuesday 8 // 9:00am EST // Monitor and troubleshoot your rotating machinery vibrations
- Wednesday 9 // 9:00am EST // Test benches - All the tools for vibration analysis from acquisition to the report
- Wednedsay 9 // 10:30am EST // Turbo machinery vibration analysis
- Thursday 10 // 9:00 am EST // Rotor balancing: get the global picture!
Our team will also be available on the chat to answer all your questions.
Do not hesitate to REGISTER!