PROFESS, spol. s r.o.
Contact: Krystof LACHMAN
Květná 5
326 00, Plzeň
Czech Republic
Tel. +420 377 454 411 / +420 377 240 470
Email: mms@profess.cz
Website: www.profess.cz
To help you get the most out of NVGate V17, we’re offering a free online training session to walk you through the new features and functionalities.
Thursday, June 8 and Tuesday, June 13.
In this 30-minute webinar, live demo will show real scenarios to troubleshoot unbalance and structural issues after receiving alert notifications from condition monitoring system.
Stress Engineering Services (SES, USA) realized tests to determine structural characteristics of a drop test frame. In particular, an OR36 was used to carry impact testing acquisition to determine the first bending mode of the frame.
This frequency signature acquisition pack is ideal for general FFT analysis, bump test, modal analysis, ODS…
PROFESS, spol. s r.o.
Contact: Krystof LACHMAN
Květná 5
326 00, Plzeň
Czech Republic
Tel. +420 377 454 411 / +420 377 240 470
Email: mms@profess.cz
Website: www.profess.cz
PROFESS, spol. s r.o.
Contact: Krystof LACHMAN
Květná 5
326 00, Plzeň
Czech Republic
Tel. +420 377 454 411 / +420 377 240 470
Email: mms@profess.cz
Website: www.profess.cz