Maintenance Repair Overhaul -MRO
Solutions to perform noise and vibration measurements for maintenance repair overhaul applications

Vibration limits check
Jet engine, gas turbine, power generator, gearbox pre/post overhaul
- Multi-channels rackable instruments
- Narrow band spectra frequency and order
- Overlaid limits and live results
- Automatic limits crossing detection
- Automatic reports with Metadata
Multiplane Shaft Balancing, blade sorting
Noise limits check
Sound power, sound level meter
- Multi channels sound level meter
- Real-time 1/3rd octave results with masks
- Overlaid limits and live results
- Automatic limits crossing detection
- Automatic reports with Metadata
- Sound power software
OROS recommended solutions package

Machinery vibration signature test
- OR36 16 channel Teamwork instrument
- NVGo App
- FFT narrow band spectral analysis
- Synchronous order tracking analysis
- Multiplane balancing module

Noise limits measurement
- Multi-channel sound level meter module
- Sound power module
- 1/n octave analysis

Customizable instrument and software
- NVDrive control/command instrument API
- Python script
OROS advantages
Easy measurements
Open and customizable platform
- Open control/command toolkit