TPA – Transfer Path Analysis
Determine the contributing noise and Vibration paths to the target
- Panel contributions
- Structural contributions
- Large channel counts
- Full path

- Source ranking
- Structure borne and airborne separation
- Large frequency range (Coherent and Energetic)
- Validation tools

- Transmission to the hull in military ships
- Panel contributions in cruise ships

- No source dismounting required
- Panel contributions
- Structure borne and airborne separation
- Large frequency range (Coherent and Energetic)
- Powerful Validation tools

- Wall contributions
- Portable & distributed systems
- Cabling reduction

OROS recommended solutions package
OROS advantages
Efficient data acquisition
- Sequenced and automated spectra acquisition
- Portable and large channel count
Powerful ATPA algorithm and tools
- No dismounting required
- Structure-borne / Airborne separation
- Contribution results validation
- Efficient data selection
- Flexible displays handling
High end metrology
- 24 bits, low noise, large dynamic
- 40 kHz
- Real time acquisition