Sound quality analysis & design
Transfer Path Analysis
Panel contributions at target
Source ranking
Source localization
Beamforming to locate noise sources in real-time
Acoustic holography
Leakages localization
Source ranking
OROS recommended solutions package

Sound quality analysis & design
- Psychoacoustics module
- Filtered playback module
- Perceptual Explorer module
- MODS: in vehicle ultra mobile acquisition
- Microphones

Transfer path analysis
- ATPA solution
- Airborne vs structure-borne separation
- 3*OR38-32: typically up to 96 subsystems acquisition
- Microphones, Accelerometers, hammer
OROS advantages
Easy to use
- Dedicated interface
- Guided testing operation
- Rugged for the field
- Portable or large channel count
Powerful algorithms
- Hearing model based sound analysis & design
- No dismounting required
- Structure-borne/Airborne separation
Flexible Tools
- Flexible and easy to adapt to the situation
- Portable instrumentation