Source localization
Source localization and sound mapping using sound intensity, NAH acoustic holography and TPA analysis
Submarines & ships signature
. Cylindrical underwater holography
. Hydrophone based
. High spatial resolution
. Source ranking
. Far-field estimation

Automotive components
. ISO 9614-1 based
. Frequency dependent sound maps

Large machines diagnostics
. Fault diagnostics
. Robust to background noise
. ISO 9614-1 based

Sound transmission
. Leakages localization
. Source ranking

Transfer Path Analysis
. Source ranking
. Structure borne and airborne separation
. Large frequency range (Coherent and Energetic)
. Validation tools

OROS recommended solutions package

Sound Intensity
- Sound Intensity software with 3D vizualization
- Point by point (-1) acquisition
- OR34 – 2 channels
Comparison of the 3 sound source identification techniques
Download this powerpoint presentation (2MB) to find out what is the best solution for your need.
OROS advantages
High-end metrology
- DSP powered for type 1 measurements
- Automatic microphone calibration tools
Ultimate efficiency
- Real-time results
- Dedicated interface
- Guided testing operation
- Customizable and automatic report generation
Flexible tools
- Flexible and easy to adapt to the situation
- Portable instrumentation