Webinar – NVH assessment and optimization of EVs and HEVs
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Electrical and hybrid vehicles development opens a whole new field of noise and vibration challenges. From the motor noise generation to the emission in the cabin, a wide range of possible axis of progress can be proposed. For that, a wide variety of testing techniques and their corresponding tools have been developed and are discussed in this web-based presentation.
This webinar is past. It is available as a replay. Please contact us to get it. webinar@oros.com
NVH new challenges
First, a quieter cabin environment, relieved from the ICE noise, let new sources emerge. Those sources often generate low sound levels but with unworked sound design, providing a poor sound experience to the passenger. On its side, the main propulsion motor plays a major role in the overall sound
Electromagnetic noise sources characterization
The electromagnetic noise generated by motors is specific and requires its own specific experimental approach. Unique testing tools used to characterize electromagnetic noise are described from spatiograms and electric markers to psychoacoustics indicators.
Transfer Path Analysis
Noise reduction challenges can be tackled at the source but also by mitigating the noise on its way to the cabin. Structures of EV/HVs have been largely modified compared to traditional ICE vehicles and transfer paths need to be reconsidered. Describing OROS innovative TPA techniques and solutions, this subject is addressed in the presentation.
About the presenter
Guillaume Cousin is Product Manager at OROS for the EV/HV NVH Solutions. OROS provides Noise and Vibration testing systems and services to the Automotive industry covering NVH applications such as Sound Power, Sound Quality, as well as Modal and Transfer Path Analysis. Guillaume has globally more than 20 years’ experience in Noise and Vibration applications. Before OROS, he used to work as a R&D engineer at the Markus Wallenberg Laboratory for Noise and Vibration at KTH Stockholm. He holds a MSc in Mechanical Engineering from INSA-LYON.
Check further details on the dedicated EV/HV NVH webpage